The Wade

5 Reasons To Buy Your Fishing License Right Now

Without a fishing license you couldn't do this.

I have a number of friends that don’t fish. I know, I’ve forgiven them long ago, but it’s still tough sometimes. One of those moments is often at the very start of the year, when I buy my fishing license, without fail, usually on New Year’s Day. Friends, sometimes even the same one, will ask why. “Why do you spend money on something that should be free?”

Here’s the deal folks, our right to fish is not set in stone, but is gently balancing on the nose of greedy lawmakers and corrupt bureaucrats.  To save that precious gift of nature and public lands and clean water, we have to make our voices heard. We have to make them so loud that no matter what twisted plans are made in the back alleys and stuffy offices of the elite, our passion will be heard loud and clear. Buying a fishing license is the very first and easiest step to joining that brilliant cause.

Support public lands, conservation, and more with your purchase of a fishing license.

1) It’s The Law (Duh)

If I can’t inspire you to get on the bandwagon of protecting public lands and conservation (I’ll try again below) then at least remember that in most, if not all, states having a fishing license is required by law to fish. If this bugs you or think that it should be a law, just remember what that fishing license is doing.

2) Support Conservation

The quickest answer I give to my friends when they ask me why I buy a fishing license is that it supports conservation projects both locally and nationwide. Whether my money is going to supporting a local stream restoration project, or is being used to protect fish that I’ll never cast a fly towards, I’m glad to do some small part in helping the greater good of anglers everywhere.

To help conservation even more, join Trout Unlimited today.

Without public lands we wouldn’t have been able to take this picture.

3) Save Public Lands

Aside from protect the streams, rivers, and lakes where fish live, a lot of the money from your fishing license and other licenses like hunting permits, etc, goes to protecting and general upkeep public lands. Without a stream of revenue coming into the system to maintain public lands, or at least attempt to maintain public lands, lawmakers are only going to see a big expense and start thinking of ways to make a quick buck, rather than protect the lands that belong to you and me and the children of the future.

Want to find out how to protect public lands? Groups like Sportsman’s Access are doing just that.

4) Make Your Voice Heard

Sure lawmakers and policy makers are supposed to do what’s in our best interest, but spend just  thirty seconds reading literally any newspaper and you’ll see why we have to keep them in check. Buying a fishing license, writing your elected officials, signing petitions, supporting local and national causes, these are all great ways to make your voices heard. If more people bought fishing licenses there would be higher numbers that the few officials actually trying to push conservation efforts would have more ammunition and support to get those bills or policies passed.

It’s your right as a citizen of the United States to write to your elected officials. Will they listen to you? Maybe not right away, but eventually if enough people right to them making the same request, they’ll have to change their ways. Find your representative here. Also, vote.

It’s the most American thing you can do, make your voice heard and play a role in government.

5) Be A Part Of Something Greater

We’re all wired to want to be a part of something bigger than ourselves. That’s why religions, like fly fishing, are so powerful and so good at bringing us all together and uniting us towards a common goal. Change starts with passion and there’s no sport with more passion than fly fishing. I’m asking to join hands with my fellow fly anglers and be a part of something bigger than just myself. I think you’ll be happier if you do the same and make all of our voices stronger. How do you make that first step into joining the fight? Buy a fishing license. Like right now.


Sign up now to be a part of something great than yourself, The Postfly Tribe, a group of passionate anglers that won’t ever stop fly fishing and protecting those valuable resources.