How well do you know your nymphs? There’s an old fly shop mantra out there “Trout feed 85% below the surface” now we’re not sure the math is accurate, but it’s certainly advantageous to be able to quickly and easily…
How to Start Chasing Wild Brook Trout This Summer
Summertime is hands down the best time of year to throw on a pair of wet wading boots and head up the nearest wild Brook Trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) stream with a box of dry flies, some tippet and floatant. Brookies…
What You Need to Chase Carp on the Fly
So, you want to try your hand at chasing carp on the fly this Summer, you want to feel a freshwater fish empty your reel only to run right back at you? Well, we’re here to help you out by…
Essential Gear for Striper Fly Fishing from a Boat
As you can probably tell, here at Postfly we get pretty excited when our stripers show back up in the waters around HQ in Newburyport, Mass. And as we’re getting our gear ready we wanted to share with you the…
5 Essential Early Season Bass Flies
If you’re like us you’re probably pretty pumped that warm water fly fishing season is back. Bass are starting to wake up and get ready to spawn, which is a prime time to catch big lunkers. As we’ve been kicking…
Chasing Arizona Carp with Tribe Member Ryan Poquette
Meet Ryan Poquette, an Arizona Tribe Member with a passion for chasing carp in the desert. Getting his start in fly fishing from an earlier age, Ryan has always been working hard to improve his skills to face the challenges…
What You Need to Start Chasing Pike and Muskie On the Fly
Pike and especially Muskie can be some of the trickiest fish to figure out on the fly rod. Capable of creating utter carnage above and below the surface, these fish will get your heart going. While Pike and Pickerel are…
How to Target Big, Late Spring Carp
Well, it seems like for more and more of us the weather is finally coming around with warmer temperatures and more and more fish starting to wake up from their winter slow-down and are beginning to move into their summer…
What You Need to Start Fly Fishing for Schoolie Striped Bass
Its that wonderful time of year again when our stripers begin their annual migration north along the East coast. From Virginia to Maine, every saltwater angler has been waiting for these days since late Fall. Often, the first fish to…
What’s in the Box: April
Everything is starting to warm up around the country, run-off is in full swing and the warm water species are all starting to feed! No matter where or what you’re fishing for this spring, Postfly’s April boxes are ready to get…