“Giving back” is a phrase that gets thrown around quite a bit these days. We’re all connected, in one way or another, to a cause that ignites some passion on the inside. For me, its cancer.
In 2012, my otherwise healthy mother was given a sudden diagnosis of Stage 3 breast cancer. To make it very simple, thats a 50/50 diagnosis. There are no promises or assurances that you will make it out to the other side. My family was crippled. Doubt, fear, sadness, nervousness were the primary feels for everyone except my mom. She took on her diagnosis, treatment, and ultimately recovery with a kind of grace and almost stubbornness that you’d be more likely to see in a defiant teenager during the “I’ll do whatever the hell I want” phase. More simply said, she did not let the cancer into her life. Not an easy thing to do through multiple rounds of chemo therapy, radiation, and a mastectomy. I’m happy to share that 3+ years later she is cancer free and loving every moment.
That is the very short, fast-forward-to-the-good-part version of my story. The reality is that there are many, many stories like mine that do not have a happy ending. This is why Casting for Recovery has become such a pillar of strength for women battling and recovering from breast cancer. Their mission is simple: improve quality of life for women with breast cancer through the therapeutic sport of fly fishing. CfR runs 2-3 day fly fishing retreats in almost every state, at no cost to the participants. They have had more than 7000 women attend their retreats over the past 19 seasons, and their reach is growing each year. The challenge for them is simply the economics of their programs… their bills pile up to nearly $1,000,000 each year.
In support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we’ve teamed up with CfR and have pledged to help fund their retreats, and we need your help! Through October we’re offering a special Casting for Recovery trout fly selection for $29, proceeds going to CfR. Buy one, buy two, buy 10 and give them out to friends. You’ll look down at your flybox and remember exactly where these beauties came from and why you have them! They ship for free and will be sent out on October 20. You can purchase the CfR fly selection by clicking below or visiting www.postflybox.com.
A whole hearted thank you for supporting CfR’s mission!
–Brian and everyone at Team Postfly and Casting for Recovery
*If you would like to learn more or make an additional contribution to CfR, you can do so by clicking here