Small, brown and buggy, what more could you want in a nymph? The Evolution Clinger Mayfly is a simple Hare’s Ear-style nymph pattern from Flymen Fishing Company designed to imitate the mayfly clinger nymphs likely swimming in your home waters right now.
By imitating the broad, flat profile that’s typical of these nymphs and using a beadhead to get a little more depth in your fly, trout in any section of the water column won’t be able to resist. Tie a few of these bad boys up quick and get out there.
The Evolution Clinger Mayfly nymph and all the materials needed to tie a bunch was featured in the May Fly Tying box. Tired of missing out on getting the coolest new flies and materials delivered to your door? Click here to sign up and start catching more fish.

Materials Needed To Tie The Evolution Clinger Mayfly
Head: Nymph-Head Evolution Mayfly Clinger & Crawler tungsten beadhead, brown (for tan variation), olive (for brown/olive variation, black (for brown variation), extra-small, small, medium, or large.
Hook: Standard nymph hook 2XL; #12 for large bead, #14 for medium, #16 for small, #18 for extra-small.
Thread: Tan, olive, or brown. Lead-free wire: Standard.
Rib: Ultra wire, gold.
Tail: Pheasant tail; natural, olive, or brown.
Abdomen: Hareline Hare’s Ear PLUS Dubbin; Hare’s ear, brown/olive, or chocolate brown.
Thorax: Hareline Hare’s Ear PLUS Dubbin; Hare’s ear, brown/olive, or chocolate brown.
Wingcase: Pheasant tail; natural, olive, or brown.