We love gear, you love gear, everyone loves gear. That’s why a crime like this is inexcusable. What kind of monster steals someone’s gear and all of their flies? We’re so mad we couldn’t focus on anything else in the office aside from helping this Postfly Tribe Member. Read their message below:
I’m reaching out because we had an unfortunate event happen. Last weekend our friend and Roving Dear member, Laura Lothrop, had all her fly fishing gear stolen. A hard break but the three of us ladies share and share alike. We’ll be swapping waders and taking turns on the remaining rod until we can replenish. So we’ve got each other’s back!
One of her greatest losses however, was all her flies, four loaded boxes! Among them were three of Laura’s most recent boxes from Postfly. We’d bought the subscription for her as a Christmas gift.
Our little group The Roving Dear resides in the Portland, Oregon. We’re beginner fly fishers and committed to learning the art of fly fishing and promoting stewardship of our natural world.
We know it’s a big ask, but we wanted to tell you her story to see if there’s anything Postfly might be able to help with?
Many thanks,
Don’t Worry Laura, We’re Here To Help!
While we wish we could replace all your gear (and find the person responsible), the least we can do is give you enough flies to fill up your fly box…which we’re also sending, along with some other goodies that every angler needs on the water. Yes, everything Erin just poured into that Postfly Box is yours and in the mail RIGHT NOW. Excited yet?
No one can right this wrong, but some new gear can’t hurt. We’d be honored to help. Double check the locks on your doors and windows for the night is dark and full of terrors (and really big fish; use these new flies and get out there).
Dear Postfly,
Holy WOW! We are just so touched that your team has taken so much care of our Roving Dear, Laura during her dark night and realized fear of loosing her beloved gear. We could never have anticipated your generosity but good gracious, such a gift!
Many deep thanks, we will be sure to share our ensuing adventures with her replenished stock.
Many photos to come. Many thanks again and again and again. FISH ON!
– The Roving Dears XOX
Postfly you all are awesome! Nothing like the (real) fly fishing community!
Tight lines all!