If you were familiar with my company GuideHire, chances are you’re familiar with Doug Roland and Harry Tomlinson as well, whether you know it or not. We’ve used Harry’s grinning mug to plug our services more times than one can count, and more often than not Doug has been the person on the other side of the lens. A photo that Doug took of Harry (see above) was featured by Outside Magazine when they called GuideHire the “Uber of Guides” a couple of years ago.
Anyways, the point here is that Harry is a great guide, and Doug is a great photographer and videographer. Consider this a chance to get to know both of their work more intimately. If you’re like us and dig big fish in skinny water then you won’t be disappointed.
Making Cinnamon (Raw Footage) from LC Journal – Doug Roland
Cinnamon from LC Journal – Doug Roland
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