Many people see fly fishing as a bunch of anglers heading off into the woods solo searching for themselves and fish. But fly fishing is so much better if you bring along a friend or 2. Now I know some people are going to say, “No I hate fishing with someone else, they slow me down,” or something along those lines. But fishing with friends is, in our opinion, a way better way to experience the outdoors and maximize the rewards fly fishing can offer!
You Can Go Farther & Stay Longer
With a partner, you can truly make any trip happen. Suddenly gas is affordable and so is lodging when you can split the cost with a buddy or 2. Now I’m sure there of you prefer to fish alone, and you can still do that once you get to your destination, but trust us, having a crew to share the days fishing tales with is well worth the company.
Let’s face it, slow fishing days happen, sometimes the best part of having a pal along with you is the ability to pass the time when the fish are being tight-lipped or you’re waiting for the tide to turn and get the fish to start eating. Whether you’re sharing a beer or 2, or taking turns wondering why the fish aren’t biting, it’s better to do it with friends!
Emergency Situations
Unfortunately, a lot can go bad quickly on the water, let’s say you fall in the river fill your waders and get hurt bad enough that you can’t get out of the spot without help. If you’re alone or fishing somewhere really remote, you’re in a tricky spot. Having other people on the water with you can really be a benefit if something goes bad and you need some backup in a tight spot.
You Have a Witness
When you fish with a friend, you at least have one other witness to take your side when someone questions the size of that big fish you lost. And you’ll also have someone there to snap some photos of you when you finally land that big fish, so you don’t have to try to awkwardly take the photo yourself.
Learn New Techniques and Share Some Too
Every time I fish with someone new, I learn something, whether its a new casting technique or a new style of fishing rigs and don’t be afraid to share your own tips and tricks. That way when you and your buddy head to your next fishing spot you’re both prepared with the right skills to get the job done no matter how tricky the fish are being.
Dan Zazworsky’s passion is sharing his love of fly fishing with anyone that will listen, read or watch. You can find him exploring new waters every day while chasing any fish that will eat a fly!
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