How to Maximize Your Next Group Fishing Trip

Solo fly fishing has its benefits, it can be a relaxing way to unwind and escape for a few hours, but in this writer’s opinion, the best fishing memories are made on trips with a few buddies around. Not only will you have the confidence that if something goes awry, you’ll have some backup, but also you’ll have someone there to corroborate your big-fish-that-broke-you-off story. Friends will amplify the fun of the trip and leave you with great stories to tell any time your crew is back together!

Make It a Fun Competition

If you and your friends want to make the day really interesting, set up a competition for the trip. Maybe its most fish landed, or biggest fish or something more along the lines of our epic Endless Summer Tournament. Adding a little competition to the trip will not only give you entertainment and some opportunity for a little fun on the trip. Just make sure to make the prize something fun, like a case of beer or maybe a funny souvenir shirt you find at a gas station along the way!

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Extra Flies

If you’re the tyer of the group, or you just know the right patterns to bring, make sure you carry extras! Sometimes fish can be super keyed in on certain patterns or color combos and if you can spread the love out amongst the group, your friends will thank you. Its always a good idea to carry 2-4 of each of your favorite patterns wherever you go, and if you need a little backup in the fly department, subscribe to Postfly and get killer flies delivered to your door every month!

Don’t Take Yourselves Too Seriously

When you’re fishing with a group, it’s important to not take yourself too seriously. No one wants to be the person who’s intensity on the water is making it weird for everyone else. Let your friend take a few shots at the riser up ahead and feel free to laugh your but off at a buddy who tangles up in the same tree over and over again. When you’re fishing with a group, it’s far more important to have a good time and enjoy the company than spend the whole time alone getting frustrated by yourself.

Celebrate Every Catch

No matter how big the fish is, feel free to celebrate and high-five away! You’re there to have a good time and enjoy the outdoors with your friends. Make every fish a memory and you’ll have stories to share with buddies for years to come.

Capture the Moments

It doesn’t matter if you’re using a DSLR camera or your phone, capture the action so you can relive it whenever you want. If you’ve ever been to an anglers house, odds are the walls are filled with pictures of fishing memories and buddies sharing in the moment of a trophy fish landed. Do your best to take a bunch of pictures and videos, and be sure to tag @PostflyInc and #WadeForIt so we can see what our Tribe Members are getting themselves into!

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