Some of the most common instances that something goes wrong while fishing is either right before, or right as you cast. So many wind knots, birds nest tangles, snapped rods and frustrated anglers can be prevented if you just check…
fly fishing basics
Gear Essentials for Small Stream Trout Fishing
This time of year can be trying for anglers everywhere, the Midwest and Northeast have been getting quite a bit of rain recently and many larger trout streams are getting too high for comfort. When this happens in my area…
What’s in the Box: May 2019
May is probably one of our favorite months of the year, Stripers are showing back up on the coastlines of the North East and hatches are going off in full force all over the country. Not to mention long weekends…
Nymphs Every Angler Should Know On Sight
How well do you know your nymphs? There’s an old fly shop mantra out there “Trout feed 85% below the surface” now we’re not sure the math is accurate, but it’s certainly advantageous to be able to quickly and easily…