Weekends are for the chase, when it comes to our lives (me and my husband), anyway. We work hard with full-time jobs and side hustles, we parent hard with two kiddos to raise, we dog hard with three dogs to…
Rainbow Trout
Fly Fishing In Alaska, Is It Really All It’s Cracked Up To Be?
There are very few places in the world that can compete with fly fishing in Alaska. We recently caught up with Ambassador Jenna Wagner who just returned from exploring the Bristol Bay region which is known for its impressive sockeye salmon…
Thank You, Internet: Fly Fishing in the Anthropocene
Dan ZazworskyDan Zazworsky’s passion is sharing his love of fly fishing with anyone that will listen, read or watch. You can find him exploring new waters every day while chasing any fish that will eat a fly! http://www.postflybox.com
5 Tips for Handling Trout This Summer
As the summer gets into full swing, it’s important to think more seriously about how we handle our fish in the heat. Hot water can be very stressful on its own to any fish, the lower oxygen content can make…
The Worst Advice We’ve Ever Heard About Trout
Everyone is a critic, and in the fly fishing world, everyone knows somebody that thinks they’re an expert. Even guides and experts don’t know everything there is to know about catching trout on a fly rod. There’s always going to…
How To Make Fly Fishing Without A Boat Worth The Wade
My fly fishing background is all about fishing from boats. I’m completely and totally obsessed with boats, but there’s something truly rewarding about fishing on foot that keeps me going back to wading time and time again. Whether it’s the…
We’re Going Live Tomorrow, Send Us Your Questions Now
We’re going to start packing boxes tomorrow and we’re going live for only one hour starting at 1pm to hang out, answer your questions, pack some boxes and to give away one of our Wade For It hats at the very…
5 Secrets To Sticking Bigger Trout Right Now
Summer can be a tough month to catch fish, no matter what species you’re after. When the water starts to get too warm the fish become uncomfortable, which also means they’re likely not in a biting mood–especially trout. Fooling these…