I’m sure you all have seen this video reposted across social media, and are as confused as we were when we first saw it. So we’re going to break down this incredible workout routine so you can get your reps in because you don’t have time to get to the gym and need to sculpt your guns on the water #GOALZ
Step One: Tire Jump
Helps in developing your wading muscle groups. Increase tire size as your vertical grows and never get stuck behind that pesky deadfall that’s across the stream or path.
Step Two: Tire Gronk Spike
Really activates and works your lower back and arms. Builds up your hook set strength, and looks badass when you do it in the gym.
Step Three: Whip It Good
Take a page out of Devo’s playbook. Build your lung capacity and 2-handed casting strength with this fast cardio workout.
Step Four: Tank Spin & Lift
Prepare yourself for that giant fish you plan on hooking into. Really develops the lower-back muscle group’s endurance. Small children, pets and weightlifting plates work well as substitutes for the propane tank if you don’t have an empty one laying around.
Step Five: Tank Drop & Lift
Designed to build the muscle groups used in dragging that behemoth from the depths, this is one exercise you won’t want to skip out on in this workout plan.
We recommend doing this whole routine at least 3 times a week to promote muscle growth and endurance.
You might get some weird looks while performing the workout, whether you are on a bridge or in your local gym. Results not guaranteed and may vary based on each individual.
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Dan Zazworsky’s passion is sharing his love of fly fishing with anyone that will listen, read or watch. You can find him exploring new waters every day while chasing any fish that will eat a fly!
What rods does he use?
Not entirely sure, but from the looks of them they are made of the same stuff as Ironman’s suit!
Not entirely sure, but from the looks of them, they are made of the same stuff as Ironman’s suit!