The fishing can get finicky this time of year. The air temperature is dropping, the fish are getting pickier when it comes to the food they’re willing to chase (or not chase), and the season can really start to slow down in some areas. So, to help pass the time and stay a little warmer on the water, we like to mix it up with some mixed drinks.

Now, there are few things I like to chase: trout, the perfect evening light, and oftentimes, my kids. And though chasing shots isn’t on that list, I sure do like them mixed with a few other select ingredients. So when you’re ready to skip the beer carbs, grab your favorite leak-proof, fishing-ready vessel and get ready to sip some goodness.
Here are three of my favorite cocktails to bring along while searching for the next willing (or desperate) trout.
Sour Fish Eye
There is something special about citrusy cocktails. I’m not sure if it’s the way the lime mixes with the grapefruit and rum or if it’s the amount of rum I actually use in these drinks, but whatever the reason, it hits the spot every time. If you prefer a “Sweet and Sour Fish Eye” instead, add a couple ounces of simple syrup. I use a honey-based, homemade syrup (3 parts honey, 1 part water).
- 6 oz grapefruit juice
- 4 oz lime seltzer
- 1 slice lime
- 3 oz rum
Gold Rush
This one is perfect for a long day of chasing buttery brown trout. If the ingredient list looks familiar to you, it’s because this cocktail is essentially a cold version of a hot toddy. And while I have loved hot toddies or as long as I can remember, I grew impatient waiting for the water to boil. I save my patience for the fish, apparently. If it’s an especially cold day, go for the warm version, or don’t. Either way, enjoy!
- 6 oz water
- 2 oz lemon juice
- 2 oz honey/simple syrup
- 3 oz whiskey/bourbon

Borderline Sunset
It’s hard to beat a tequila drink – straight, rocks, or mixed in some yummy bubbly water and your favorite juice, it’ll set a day on the water up just right. For those of you that love a good marg, but don’t feel like grabbing all the extras to make it “official”, try this one out. If you want to marg’ it up, throw some orange liqueur in there and call it a day, or a night, or a morning. Your call.
- 6 oz orange/mango juice
- 4 oz lime seltzer
- 1 oz lime juice
- 3 oz tequila

Based in southern Colorado, Ryan is a photographer, outdoorswoman, fish chaser, and proud mama to two wild Outdoors-loving kiddos. When not wrangling little ones or cattle dogs, you’ll find her on the water, on a trail or on the road looking for the next piece of water and (hopefully) high country trout.