If you’re anything like us, the longer and warmer the days get, the more we think about those after-work sessions on the pond or creek, hunting largemouth, and smallmouth bass. Bass hold a special place in our hearts, mainly due…
Fly Fishing
Every Day Carry: Items That Never Leave My Fishing Pack
In order to keep things easy for my usually-forgetful-self, I try to keep my fishing essentials together and in my pack year-round. That way, if I get an opportunity to sneak out for a few hours after work, I can…
Wading Tips for Beginners
If you want to fly fish throughout the year, wading for it isn’t a bad idea. It keeps you connected to the force that holds those finned creatures we love to chase and it keeps you in the outdoors outside…
What’s in the Box: February 2020
This month our kits are all about optimism and getting you on fish this season. Late February is always a time of quiet optimism about the coming months and what they hold. All around the country, bug life and fish…
How to Prepare for Your Next Fishing Season
For those of us who spend the winter socked in with snow or freezing winter weather, we spend these first months of any year anxiously looking forward to the upcoming spring fishing seasons. Whether that’s spring trout, the striper run,…
Fly Fishing Lingo 101
When you walk into a fly shop or a gathering of fly anglers for the first time, often times the confusing aspect of the sport isn’t the gear or the fishing, its the lingo. Often times sounding like a completely…
How to Fish Streamers in the Winter for Big Trout
Winter is by far our favorite time of year to throw streamers on the hunt for trout. This time of year, big fish are looking for easy, protein-packed meals, especially in the form of a struggling baitfish in the current.…
What’s in the Box: January 2020
We are excited to have just sent out our first Postfly Boxes of the new decade! Although not the favorite month of fair-weather anglers, January can be a phenomenal month to get out on the water and play tug of…
How to Learn to Fly Fish
We want to encourage anglers of all skill levels to participate in the one thing we love most: fly fishing. In an effort to motivate our novice members to get out there and fish, we’ve created this guide as a quick reference tool…
4 Fly Fishing Resolutions You Should Adopt for 2020
2020 has arrived, and it’s that wonderful time of year where we’re all in limbo before heading back to work in the New Year. As we all plan out the year, setting challenges for our fly fishing journey’s is a…